All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an accumulator selection.
Builder class for creating instances of AccumulatorSelection.
Represents an agent channel.
A builder for the agent channel.
Represents an alternative stake suggestion.
Represents a builder for the AltStakeSuggestion class.
Represents an alternative stake ticket reference.
Represents a builder for the AltStakeTicketRef class.
Represents an amount with a currency value.
Builder class for creating instances of the Amount class.
Exception thrown when there is a failure in obtaining the authentication token.
Represents a request to inform about a balance change.
Represents a builder for the BalanceChangeInformRequest class.
Represents a response object for balance change information.
Builder class for creating instances of the BalanceChangeInformResponse class.
Represents a source of balance change.
Represents a bet.
A builder class for creating instances of the Bet class.
Represents the details of a bet cancellation.
A builder class for creating instances of BetCancelDetails.
Represents the details of a cashout for a specific bet.
Builder class for creating instances of BetCashoutDetails.
Represents the context of a bet, including odds change and payout cap.
Builder class for creating instances of the BetContext class.
Represents a bet detail.
Builder class for creating instances of the BetDetail class.
Represents external settlement details for a bet.
Builder class for creating instances of BetExtSettlementDetails.
Represents the details of a partial cancellation of a bet.
Builder class for creating instances of BetPartialCancelDetails.
Represents the details of a partial cashout for a bet.
Builder class for creating instances of BetPartialCashoutDetails.
Represents a BetValidation object that contains information about a bet validation.
Represents a builder for the BetValidation class.
Represents a bonus casino spin.
Builder class for creating instances of the BonusCasinoSpin class.
Represents a bonus stake in the system.
Builder class for creating instances of BonusStake.
Represents a Call Centre channel.
Builder class for creating instances of the CallCentreChannel class.
Represents a request to acknowledge the cancellation of a ticket.
Builder class for creating instances of CancelAckRequest.
Represents a response for a cancellation acknowledgement.
Builder class for creating instances of CancelAckResponse.
Represents the details of a cancellation.
Represents a request to cancel a specific operation.
Represents a builder for the CancelRequest class.
Represents a response for a cancellation operation.
Builder class for creating instances of the CancelResponse class.
Represents a request to acknowledge a cashout.
Builder class for creating instances of the CashoutAckRequest class.
Represents a response for a cashout acknowledgement.
Builder class for creating instances of the CashoutAckResponse class.
Represents the details of a cashout operation.
Represents a cashout request.
Represents a builder for CashoutRequest.
Represents a response object for a cashout operation.
Builder class for constructing instances of CashoutResponse.
Represents a cash payout.
Builder class for creating instances of the CashPayout class.
Represents a cash stake in the system.
Builder class for creating instances of CashStake.
Represents a casino context, including wallet ID, channel, and end customer information.
Builder class for creating instances of the CasinoContext class.
Represents a casino game.
A builder for a casino game.
Represents a casino session.
Builder class for creating instances of the CasinoSession class.
Represents a request for casino sessions.
Builder class for creating instances of the CasinoSessionsRequest class.
Represents a response containing casino sessions.
Builder class for creating instances of the CasinoSessionsResponse class.
Represents a casino spin.
Represents a channel in the system.
Represents a request for content.
Represents a response containing content information.
Represents decimal odds.
Builder class for creating instances of the DecimalOdds class.
Represents a balance change source for a deposit transaction.
A builder class for creating instances of DepositBalanceChangeSource.
Represents a request to inform about a deposit transaction.
Builder class for constructing a DepositInformRequest object.
Represents a response object for deposit information.
Builder class for creating instances of DepositInformResponse.
Represents an end customer.
A builder class for creating instances of the EndCustomer class.
Represents an error response from the server.
Builder class for ErrorResponse.
The ExceptionCode class represents the error codes used in the SDK exceptions.
Represents an exchange rate between two currencies.
Builder class for creating instances of the ExchangeRate class.
Represents an external selection.
Builder class for creating instances of ExtSelection.
Represents a request to acknowledge an external settlement.
Builder class for creating instances of ExtSettlementAckRequest.
Represents an extended settlement acknowledgment response.
Represents a builder for the ExtSettlementAckResponse class.
Represents the external settlement details for a settlement.
Represents an external settlement request.
Builder class for creating instances of ExtSettlementRequest.
Represents an extended settlement response.
Builder class for creating instances of ExtSettlementResponse.
Represents a stake made with free cash.
Builder class for creating a FreeCashStake object.
Represents a free casino spin.
Builder class for creating instances of FreeCasinoSpin.
Represents a free payout.
Builder class for creating instances of the FreePayout class.
Represents a free rollover stake.
Builder class for creating instances of FreeRolloverStake.
Represents a free stake in the system.
Builder class for creating instances of the FreeStake class.
Represents an internet channel.
Builder class for creating instances of InternetChannel.
The MbsSdk class represents the main entry point for interacting with the MBS SDK.
The MbsSdkConfig class represents the configuration for the MBS SDK.
Represents a mobile app channel.
Builder class for MobileAppChannel.
Represents a mobile channel.
Builder class for creating instances of the MobileChannel class.
Represents the odds for a particular event.
Represents an odds boost selection.
Represents a builder for the OddsBoostSelection class.
Represents an ordinary casino spin.
Represents a builder for the OrdinaryCasinoSpin class.
Represents a payment gateway entity.
Represents a builder for the PaymentGateway class.
A class used to create instances of the FreePayout, CashPayout and WithheldPayout classes.
Represents a phone channel in the system.
Builder class for creating instances of the PhoneChannel class.
Represents an exception that is thrown when an invalid request is made to the protocol.
Represents an exception that is thrown when the response received from the protocol is invalid.
Exception thrown when a protocol message exceeds the maximum allowed size.
Represents an exception that is thrown when the send buffer is full in the protocol.
Represents an exception that is thrown when the protocol send fails.
Represents an exception that is thrown when a response is not received in the configured time window.
Represents the details of a reoffer cancellation.
Builder class for creating instances of ReofferCancelDetails.
Represents a reoffer suggestion.
Builder class for creating instances of ReofferSuggestion.
Represents a reference to a reoffered ticket.
Represents a builder for creating instances of the ReofferTicketRef class.
Represents a request object used in the application.
Builder class for creating instances of the Request class.
Represents a response object used in the application.
Builder class for creating instances of the Response class.
Represents a retail channel.
Builder class for RetailChannel.
The base class for all SDK exceptions.
Exception thrown when the SDK is not connected or is disposed.
Represents a selection.
Represents the details of a selection.
Represents a builder for the SelectionDetail class.
Represents an exception that occurs when a server responds with an error.
Represents an SMS channel.
Builder class for SmsChannel.
The Stake class represents a stake in a betting system.
Represents a system selection, which is a type of selection that contains an array of selections and an array of sizes.
Represents a builder for creating instances of the SystemSelection class.
Represents a terminal channel.
Builder class for TerminalChannel.
Represents a request to acknowledge a ticket.
Builder class for creating instances of TicketAckRequest.
Represents a response for acknowledging a ticket.
Builder class for creating instances of the TicketAckResponse class.
Represents a balance change source related to a ticket.
Represents a builder for creating instances of TicketBalanceChangeSource.
Represents the details of a ticket cancellation.
Builder class for creating instances of TicketCancelDetails.
Represents the details of a ticket cashout.
Builder class for creating instances of TicketCashoutDetails.
Represents the context of a ticket.
Builder class for creating instances of the TicketContext class.
Represents the external settlement details for a ticket.
Builder class for creating instances of TicketExtSettlementDetails.
Represents a request to inform the ticket.
Builder class for creating instances of the TicketInformRequest class.
Represents a response for ticket information.
Represents a builder for creating instances of the TicketInformResponse class.
Represents the details of a partial cancellation of a ticket.
Represents the builder for the TicketPartialCancelDetails class.
Represents the details of a partial cashout for a ticket.
Builder class for creating TicketPartialCashoutDetails.
The TicketProtocol interface defines the contract for sending various types of ticket-related requests asynchronously.
Represents a reference to a ticket.
Represents a ticket request.
Represents a builder for the TicketRequest class.
Represents a ticket response.
Represents a builder for the TicketResponse class.
Represents a TV app channel.
Builder class for TvAppChannel.
Represents a custom bet selection for the UF (Unified Feed) platform.
Builder class for creating instances of UfCustomBetSelection.
Represents a selection for a UF event.
Builder class for creating instances of UfSelection.
Represents a selection with multiple ways.
A builder class for creating instances of the WaysSelection class.
Represents an exception that occurs when there is a failure in establishing a WebSocket connection.
Represents a withdrawal balance change source.
Builder class for creating instances of WithdrawalBalanceChangeSource.
Represents a request to inform about a withdrawal.
Builder class for constructing WithdrawalInformRequest objects.
Represents a response object for withdrawal information.
Builder class for WithdrawalInformResponse.
Represents a witheld payout.
Builder class for creating instances of the WithheldPayout class.