Interface | Description |
Assist |
An interface providing methods to access specific assist information
BasicTournament |
Defines methods implemented by classes providing information about a tournament
BonusInfo |
Defines methods ued to access bonus info data
BookmakerDetails |
An interface providing methods to access bookmaker details
Car |
An interface providing methods to access car data
Category |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing sport category
CategorySummary |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing sport category
Competition |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing sport events regardless to which sport they belong
Competitor |
An interface providing methods to access competitor data
CompetitorPlayer |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing a competitor player profile
CompetitorResult | |
Course | |
CoverageInfo |
An interface providing methods to access coverage information
CurrentSeasonInfo |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing a tournament season
DelayedInfo |
Event delay info
Division | |
Draw |
Defines methods used to access draw information
DrawInfo |
Defines methods used to access draw info data
DrawResult |
Defines methods used to access draw result information
EventClock |
An interface providing methods to access
EventClock implementation values |
EventPlayer |
An interface providing methods to access player details for timeline event
EventResult |
Defines methods used by classes that provide event result information
EventTimeline |
Defines methods used to access event timeline properties
Fixture |
Defines methods used to access data of a fixture
A Fixture is a sport event that has been arranged for a particular time and place
FixtureChange |
Defines methods used to access data of a fixture change
GoalScorer |
An interface providing methods to access player details
Group |
An interface providing methods to access group details
Hole |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing a hole
Jersey |
Defines methods used to access jersey information
LocalizedNamedValue |
A derive of the
NamedValue which contains values with names/descriptions that are translatable |
LongTermEvent |
Defines methods implemented by classes providing data of a long term sport event
Lottery |
Defines methods used to access lottery information
Manager |
Defines methods used to access manager properties
Match |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing sport events of match type
NamedValue |
Describes a list of operations that are available on the basic type
which contains values with names/descriptions |
PeriodCompetitorResult |
Defines methods used to access data of a competitor result per period
PeriodScore |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing a score of a sport event period
PeriodStatus |
Defines methods used to access data of a period status
Pitcher |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing the sport event pitcher
Player |
An interface providing methods to access player details
PlayerProfile |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing a player profile
ProducerInfo |
An interface providing methods for accessing producer information
ProducerInfoLink |
An interface providing methods to access producer info link properties
RaceDriverProfile |
An interface providing methods to access race driver data
Referee |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing the sport event referee
Reference |
An interface providing methods to access reference descriptions
ReplaySportEvent |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing the replay sport event
ResultChange |
Defines methods used to access data of a result change
Round |
Defines methods implemented by classes providing basic tournament round information
ScheduledStartTimeChange |
An interface providing methods to access
ScheduledStartTimeChange implementations properties |
Season |
Defines methods implemented by classes providing data of a season
SeasonCoverage |
Defines methods representing season coverage info
SeasonInfo |
Defines methods implemented by classes providing season information about an entity (sport, category, season, ...)
Sport |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing a sport
SportEvent |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing the target(tournament, match, race) of feed messages
SportEventConditions |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing sport event conditions
SportSummary |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing a sport
Stage |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing sport events of stage type
StreamingChannel |
An interface providing methods to access streaming channel data
TeamCompetitor |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing a competing team
TimelineEvent |
Defines methods used to access timeline event properties
Tournament |
Defines methods implemented by classes providing information about a tournament
TournamentCoverage |
Defines methods used to access tournament coverage information
TournamentInfo |
Defines methods implemented by classes providing data of a tournament
TvChannel |
An interface providing methods to access
TvChannel implementations properties |
Venue |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing a sport event venue
WeatherInfo |
Defines methods implemented by classes representing weather conditions
Enum | Description |
BonusDrumType |
Possible bonus drum types
BookingStatus |
The enum describing various booking statuses
CoveredFrom |
Possible coverage locations
DrawStatus |
Possible draw statuses
DrawType |
Possible draw types
EventStatus |
Possible competition statuses.
HomeAway |
An indication if the associated entity is home/away
PeriodType |
An indication of the type of the related period
PitcherHand |
An indication if the pitcher uses left of right hand
ReportingStatus |
An enum describing the reporting status of a sport event
ResourceTypeGroup |
Enumerates groups of resources represented by the
Urn |
SportEventType |
Enumerates available types of sport event types
StageType |
An enumeration of possible stage types
TimeType |
Possible time types
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