Class | Description |
AssistImpl |
Represents an assists on a sport event
BasicTournamentImpl |
Represents a sport tournament
BonusInfoImpl |
A basic implementation of the
BonusInfo |
BookmakerDetailsImpl |
Represents the current bookmaker details
CarImpl |
A basic implementation of the
Car |
CategoryImpl |
Represents a sport category
CategorySummaryImpl |
Represents a category summary
CompetitorImpl |
Represents a player or a team competing in a sport event
CompetitorPlayerImpl |
Represents competitor's player profile information
CompetitorResultImpl | |
CourseImpl | |
CoverageInfoImpl |
Provides coverage information
CurrentSeasonInfoImpl |
Provides information about a tournament season
DivisionImpl | |
DrawImpl |
The basic implementation of a lottery
DrawInfoImpl |
A basic implementation of the
DrawInfo |
DrawResultImpl |
A basic implementation of the
DrawResult |
EventClockImpl |
Represents an event clock
EventPlayerImpl |
Represents a player or driver in a sport event
EventResultImpl |
Represents an event result entry
EventTimelineImpl |
An implementation of the
EventTimeline interface |
FixtureChangeImpl |
A representation of a fixture change
FixtureImpl |
A representation of a fixture
A Fixture is a sport event that has been arranged for a particular time and place
GoalScorerImpl |
Represents a player or driver in a sport event
GroupImpl |
Represents a competition group
HoleImpl | |
JerseyImpl |
A base implementation describing a jersey
LocalizedNamedValueImpl |
An implementation of the
LocalizedNamedValue |
LotteryImpl |
The basic implementation of a lottery
MatchImpl |
Represents a sport event with home and away competitor
NamedValueImpl |
An implementation of the
NamedValue |
OddsGenerationImpl |
Represents odds generation properties
PeriodCompetitorResultImpl | |
PeriodScoreImpl |
Represents a score status of a sport event period
PeriodScoreImpl represents a description of the score status in a specific match,
as an example for a soccer game:
number:2 (as in 2nd half time) |
PeriodStatusImpl | |
PitcherImpl |
Represents a sport event pitcher
PlayerImpl |
Represents a player or driver in a sport event
PlayerProfileImpl |
Represents player's profile information
ProducerInfoImpl |
Contains information about a specific producer
ProducerInfoLinkImpl |
Represents a producer info link
RaceDriverProfileImpl |
A basic implementation of the
RaceDriverProfile |
RefereeImpl |
Represents a sport event referee
ReferenceImpl |
A representation of the various references
ReplaySportEventImpl |
Represents the replay sport event
ResultChangeImpl |
A representation of a result change
RoundImpl |
Provides basic tournament round information
ScheduledStartTimeChangeImpl |
Represents a start time change
SeasonCoverageImpl |
Provides information about season coverage
SeasonImpl |
Provides methods used to access data of long term events of type season
SeasonInfoImpl |
Provides season information about an entity (sport, category, season, ...)
SportEventConditionsImpl |
Provides information about sport event conditions
SportEventGenericImpl |
The generic sport event entity, built if the event type could not be
SportImpl |
Represents a sport
SportSummaryImpl |
Represents a basic sport summary
StageImpl |
Represents a race type of sport event (more than two competitors)
StreamingChannelImpl |
Represents a streaming channel
TeamCompetitorImpl |
Represents a competing team
TournamentImpl |
Represents a sport tournament
TvChannelImpl |
Represents a TV channel
VenueImpl |
Represents a sport event venue
WeatherInfoImpl |
Provides information about weather conditions
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