Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SdkEventRecoveryStatusListener.onEventRecoveryCompleted(Urn eventId,
long requestId)
Method invoked when a requested event recovery completes
void |
EventChangeListener.onFixtureChange(Urn eventId,
Date updated,
SportEvent sportEvent)
Method invoked for new fixture change
void |
EventChangeListener.onResultChange(Urn eventId,
Date updated,
SportEvent sportEvent)
Method invoked for new result change
UofSessionBuilder |
UofSessionBuilder.setSpecificEventsOnly(Urn specificEventsOnly) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
UofSessionBuilder |
UofSessionBuilder.setSpecificEventsOnly(Set<Urn> specificEventsOnly) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Urn |
Returns the id of the group associated with the current round
Urn |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn uniquely identifying the tournament |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn uniquely identifying the current season |
Urn |
Course.getId() |
Urn |
Returns an
Urn uniquely identifying the current CategorySummary instance |
Urn |
Urn |
Returns the unique identifier of the current
Pitcher instance |
Urn |
Returns the competitor id
Urn |
Returns the manager identifier
Urn |
Returns an
Urn uniquely identifying the tournament associated with the current instance |
Urn |
Returns a
Urn uniquely identifying the current SeasonInfo instance |
Urn |
Returns an
Urn uniquely identifying the sport event |
Urn |
Returns the unique identifier of the current
Referee instance |
Urn |
Returns an
Urn uniquely identifying the sport represented by the current instance |
Urn |
Returns an id of the parent stage associated with the current instance
Urn |
Returns the race driver id
Urn |
Returns the race team id
Urn |
Returns the
Urn identifier of the replacement event |
default Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
Returns the unique identifier of the season
Urn |
Returns the
Urn instance specifying the sport event |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn instance specifying the sport event |
Urn |
Returns the unique sport identifier to which this event is associated
default Urn |
Returns the associated tournament identifier
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Urn> |
Returns the list specifying the additional parent ids associated with the current instance
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Gets the event id
Urn |
Returns the
Urn of the event |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn of the event |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
The sport id for which the mapping data is valid
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
MarketMappingData.canMap(int producerId,
Urn sportId,
Map<String,String> specifiers)
Indicates if the mapping data is usable with the provided values
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Returns the sport event winner identifier
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Returns the relating event
Urn identifier |
Urn |
Returns the relating sport
Urn identifier |
Constructor and Description |
RoutingKeyInfo(String fullRoutingKey,
Urn sportId,
Urn eventId)
Initializes a new
RoutingKeyInfo instance |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the id of the parent category |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the id of the parent category |
Urn |
Returns the associated category id
Urn |
Returns id of the associated category
Urn |
Get the competitor id this player belongs to
Urn |
Returns the
Urn representing id of the related entity |
Urn |
Returns the associated lottery id
Urn |
Returns the identifier of the stage parent
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
Returns id of the associated sport
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the id of the associated sport |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the id of the tournament to which the sport event belongs to |
Urn |
Returns the sport event winner identifier
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Urn> |
StageCi.getAdditionalParentStages(List<Locale> locales)
Returns a list of additional ids of the parent stages of the current instance or a null reference if the represented stage does not have the parent stages
List<Urn> |
CompetitorCi.getAssociatedPlayerIds(List<Locale> locales)
Returns a
List of associated player ids |
Map<Urn,Integer> |
CompetitorCi.getAssociatedPlayerJerseyNumbers(List<Locale> locales)
Returns a
Map of associated player jersey numbers |
List<Urn> |
Returns a
List specifying the id's of associated categories |
List<Urn> |
TournamentCi.getCompetitorIds(List<Locale> locales)
Returns a
List of the associated tournament competitor ids |
List<Urn> |
CompetitionCi.getCompetitorIds(List<Locale> locales)
Returns a
List of competitor identifiers that participate in the sport event
associated with the current instance |
Map<Urn,Integer> |
Returns list of
Urn of CompetitorCi and associated division for this sport event |
Map<Urn,String> |
Returns list of
Urn of Competitor and associated qualifier for this sport event |
Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> |
Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> |
List<Urn> |
SportEventCache.getEventIds(Date date,
Locale locale)
List<Urn> |
SportEventCache.getEventIds(Urn tournamentId,
Locale locale)
Returns a
List containing id's of sport events, which belong to a specific tournament |
List<Urn> |
Returns the lottery draws schedule
List<Urn> |
Returns a list of associated season identifiers
List<Urn> |
Returns a
List of known child stages identifiers |
List<Urn> |
Returns a
List containing the ids of associated tournaments |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManager.requestAllLotteriesEndpoint(Locale locale,
Boolean requireResult) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManager.requestAvailableTournamentsFor(Locale locale,
Urn sportId) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManager.requestEventsFor(Locale locale,
Date date) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManager.requestEventsFor(Locale locale,
Urn tournamentId) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManager.requestListSportEvents(Locale locale,
int startIndex,
int limit) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManager.requestLotterySchedule(Locale locale,
Urn lotteryId,
CacheItem requester) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManager.requestSeasonsFor(Locale locale,
Urn tournamentId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SportEventStatusCache.addEventIdForTimelineIgnore(Urn eventId,
int producerId,
String messageType)
Adds the event identifier for timeline ignore
Used for BetPal events to have ignored timeline event status cache
void |
SportEventCache.addFixtureTimestamp(Urn id)
Adds fixture timestamp to cache so that the next fixture calls for the event goes through non-cached fixture provider
CategoryCi |
SportsDataCache.getCategory(Urn categoryId,
List<Locale> locales)
Returns the associated category cache item
CompetitorCi |
ProfileCache.getCompetitorProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales)
Returns a
CompetitorCi associated with the provided Urn |
SportEventCi |
SportEventCache.getEventCacheItem(Urn id)
Returns a
SportEventCi instance representing a cached sport event data |
List<Urn> |
SportEventCache.getEventIds(Urn tournamentId,
Locale locale)
Returns a
List containing id's of sport events, which belong to a specific tournament |
PlayerProfileCi |
ProfileCache.getPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds)
Returns a
PlayerProfileCi associated with the provided Urn |
SportData |
SportsDataCache.getSport(Urn sportId,
List<Locale> locales)
SportEventStatusCi |
SportEventStatusCache.getSportEventStatusCi(Urn eventId,
boolean makeApiCall)
Returns the status of the event associated with the provided identifier.
<T> void |
PlayerProfileCi.merge(T endpointData,
Locale dataLocale,
Urn competitorId) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onAvailableSelectionsFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.custombet.datamodel.CapiAvailableSelections availableSelections) |
void |
DataRouter.onAvailableSelectionsFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.custombet.datamodel.CapiAvailableSelections availableSelections) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onChildSportEventFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEventChildren.SapiSportEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onCompetitorFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiCompetitorProfileEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouter.onCompetitorFetched(Urn competitorId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiCompetitorProfileEndpoint data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onDrawFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawEvent data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onDrawFixtureFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawFixture data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouter.onDrawFixtureFetched(Urn drawId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawFixture endpoint,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onDrawSummaryEndpointFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawSummary data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouter.onDrawSummaryFetched(Urn drawId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawSummary endpoint,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportEventCache.onEventBooked(Urn id)
Method that gets triggered when the associated event gets booked trough the
BookingManager |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onFixtureFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiFixture data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouter.onFixtureFetched(Urn fixtureId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiFixture fixture,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onLotteryFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiLottery data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onMatchSummaryEndpointFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchSummaryEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onMatchTimelineFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchTimelineEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouter.onMatchTimelineFetched(Urn matchId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchTimelineEndpoint endpoint,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onPlayerFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiPlayerExtended data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester,
Urn competitorId) |
void |
DataRouter.onPlayerFetched(Urn playerId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiPlayerExtended data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester,
Urn competitorId) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onSimpleTeamFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSimpleTeamProfileEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouter.onSimpleTeamFetched(Urn competitorId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSimpleTeamProfileEndpoint data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onSportCategoriesFetched(Urn sportId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportCategoriesEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onSportEventFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onSportEventStatusFetched(Urn id,
SportEventStatusDto data,
String statusOnEvent,
String source) |
void |
DataRouter.onSportEventStatusFetched(Urn eventId,
SportEventStatusDto statusDto,
String statusOnEvent,
String source) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onSportFetched(Urn sportId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSport sport,
Locale dataLocale) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onSportTournamentsFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportTournamentsEndpoint data,
Locale locale) |
void |
DataRouter.onSportTournamentsFetched(Urn sportId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportTournamentsEndpoint data,
Locale locale) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onStageSummaryEndpointFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiStageSummaryEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouter.onSummaryFetched(Urn requestedId,
Object data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onTeamFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTeam data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onTournamentExtendedFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentExtended data,
Locale dataLocale) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onTournamentFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournament data,
Locale locale) |
default void |
DataRouterListener.onTournamentInfoEndpointFetched(Urn requestedId,
Urn tournamentId,
Urn seasonId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentInfoEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouter.onTournamentSeasonsFetched(Urn tournamentId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentSeasons data,
Locale locale) |
void |
SportEventCache.purgeCacheItem(Urn id)
Purges an item from the
SportEventCache |
void |
ProfileCache.purgeCompetitorProfileCacheItem(Urn competitorId)
Purges the associated competitor cache item
void |
ProfileCache.purgePlayerProfileCacheItem(Urn playerId)
Purges the associated player profile cache item
void |
SportEventStatusCache.purgeSportEventStatus(Urn id)
Purges the sport event status associated with the provided event id
AvailableSelections |
DataRouterManager.requestAvailableSelections(Urn id) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManager.requestAvailableTournamentsFor(Locale locale,
Urn sportId) |
void |
DataRouterManager.requestCompetitorEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterManager.requestDrawFixture(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterManager.requestDrawSummary(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManager.requestEventsFor(Locale locale,
Urn tournamentId) |
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchTimelineEndpoint |
DataRouterManager.requestEventTimelineEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
List<FixtureChange> |
DataRouterManager.requestFixtureChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId,
Locale locale) |
void |
DataRouterManager.requestFixtureEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
boolean useCachedProvider,
CacheItem requester) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManager.requestLotterySchedule(Locale locale,
Urn lotteryId,
CacheItem requester) |
List<PeriodStatus> |
DataRouterManager.requestPeriodSummary(Urn id,
Locale locale,
List<Urn> competitorIds,
List<Integer> periods) |
void |
DataRouterManager.requestPlayerProfileEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
List<ResultChange> |
DataRouterManager.requestResultChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId,
Locale locale) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManager.requestSeasonsFor(Locale locale,
Urn tournamentId) |
void |
DataRouterManager.requestSimpleTeamEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterManager.requestSportCategoriesEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterManager.requestSummaryEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PlayerProfileCi |
ProfileCache.getPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds)
Returns a
PlayerProfileCi associated with the provided Urn |
List<PeriodStatus> |
DataRouterManager.requestPeriodSummary(Urn id,
Locale locale,
List<Urn> competitorIds,
List<Integer> periods) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Returns the id of the group associated with the current round
Urn |
Returns the id of the group associated with the current round
Urn |
Returns the id of the group associated with the current round
Urn |
Returns the manager identifier
Urn |
EventPlayerCi.getId() |
Urn |
CourseCi.getId() |
Urn |
RaceDriverProfileCi.getRaceDriverId() |
Urn |
RaceDriverProfileCi.getRaceTeamId() |
Urn |
Returns the identifier of the season
Urn |
Returns the associated tournament identifier
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Urn> |
Returns a
List of competitor identifiers associated with this group |
Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> |
Constructor and Description |
RaceDriverProfileCi(Urn raceDriverId,
Urn raceTeamId,
CarCi car) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
MarketMappingCi.getSportId() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn the id of the associated entity |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Urn> |
SportEventCacheImpl.getEventIds(Date date,
Locale locale)
List<Urn> |
SportEventCacheImpl.getEventIds(Urn tournamentId,
Locale locale)
Returns a
List containing id's of sport events, which belong to a specific tournament |
List<Urn> |
Returns a
List representing the tournaments, which belong to category |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestAllLotteriesEndpoint(Locale locale,
Boolean requireResult) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestAvailableTournamentsFor(Locale locale,
Urn sportId) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestEventsFor(Locale locale,
Date date) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestEventsFor(Locale locale,
Urn tournamentId) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestListSportEvents(Locale locale,
int startIndex,
int limit) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestLotterySchedule(Locale locale,
Urn lotteryId,
CacheItem requester) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestSeasonsFor(Locale locale,
Urn tournamentId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SportEventStatusCacheImpl.addEventIdForTimelineIgnore(Urn eventId,
int producerId,
String messageType)
Adds the event identifier for timeline ignore
Used for BetPal events to have ignored timeline event status cache
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.addFixtureTimestamp(Urn id)
Adds fixture timestamp to cache so that the next fixture calls for the event goes through non-cached fixture provider
CategoryCi |
SportsDataCacheImpl.getCategory(Urn categoryId,
List<Locale> locales)
Returns the associated category data
CompetitorCi |
ProfileCacheImpl.getCompetitorProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales)
Returns a
CompetitorCi associated with the provided Urn |
SportEventCi |
SportEventCacheImpl.getEventCacheItem(Urn id)
Returns a
SportEventCi instance representing a cached sport event data |
List<Urn> |
SportEventCacheImpl.getEventIds(Urn tournamentId,
Locale locale)
Returns a
List containing id's of sport events, which belong to a specific tournament |
PlayerProfileCi |
ProfileCacheImpl.getPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds)
Returns a
PlayerProfileCi associated with the provided Urn |
SportData |
SportsDataCacheImpl.getSport(Urn sportId,
List<Locale> locales)
SportEventStatusCi |
SportEventStatusCacheImpl.getSportEventStatusCi(Urn eventId,
boolean makeApiCall)
Returns the status of the event associated with the provided identifier.
void |
DataRouterImpl.onAvailableSelectionsFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.custombet.datamodel.CapiAvailableSelections availableSelections) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onChildSportEventFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEventChildren.SapiSportEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
void |
ProfileCacheImpl.onCompetitorFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiCompetitorProfileEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterImpl.onCompetitorFetched(Urn competitorId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiCompetitorProfileEndpoint data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onDrawFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawEvent data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onDrawFixtureFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawFixture data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onDrawFixtureFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawFixture data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterImpl.onDrawFixtureFetched(Urn drawId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawFixture endpoint,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onDrawSummaryEndpointFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawSummary data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterImpl.onDrawSummaryFetched(Urn drawId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawSummary endpoint,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onEventBooked(Urn id)
Method that gets triggered when the associated event gets booked trough the
BookingManager |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onFixtureFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiFixture data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onFixtureFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiFixture data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterImpl.onFixtureFetched(Urn fixtureId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiFixture fixture,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onLotteryFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiLottery data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onLotteryFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiLottery data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onMatchSummaryEndpointFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchSummaryEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onMatchSummaryEndpointFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchSummaryEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onMatchTimelineFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchTimelineEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onMatchTimelineFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchTimelineEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterImpl.onMatchTimelineFetched(Urn matchId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchTimelineEndpoint endpoint,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
ProfileCacheImpl.onPlayerCompetitorFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiPlayerCompetitor data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester,
Urn competitorId) |
void |
ProfileCacheImpl.onPlayerFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiPlayerExtended data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester,
Urn competitorId) |
void |
DataRouterImpl.onPlayerFetched(Urn playerId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiPlayerExtended data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester,
Urn competitorId) |
void |
ProfileCacheImpl.onSimpleTeamFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSimpleTeamProfileEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterImpl.onSimpleTeamFetched(Urn competitorId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSimpleTeamProfileEndpoint data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onSportCategoriesFetched(Urn sportId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportCategoriesEndpoint data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onSportEventFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onSportEventFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
void |
SportEventStatusCacheImpl.onSportEventStatusFetched(Urn id,
SportEventStatusDto data,
String statusOnEvent,
String source)
Adds a new
SportEventStatusCacheImpl.sportEventStatusCache entry |
void |
DataRouterImpl.onSportEventStatusFetched(Urn eventId,
SportEventStatusDto statusDto,
String statusOnEvent,
String source) |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onSportFetched(Urn sportId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSport sport,
Locale dataLocale) |
void |
DataRouterImpl.onSportTournamentsFetched(Urn sportId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportTournamentsEndpoint endpoint,
Locale locale) |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onStageSummaryEndpointFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiStageSummaryEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onStageSummaryEndpointFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiStageSummaryEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterImpl.onSummaryFetched(Urn requestedId,
Object data,
Locale locale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
ProfileCacheImpl.onTeamFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTeam data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onTournamentExtendedFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentExtended data,
Locale dataLocale) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onTournamentExtendedFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentExtended data,
Locale dataLocale) |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onTournamentFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournament data,
Locale locale) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onTournamentFetched(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournament data,
Locale locale) |
void |
SportsDataCacheImpl.onTournamentInfoEndpointFetched(Urn requestedId,
Urn tournamentId,
Urn seasonId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentInfoEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.onTournamentInfoEndpointFetched(Urn requestedId,
Urn tournamentId,
Urn seasonId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentInfoEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterImpl.onTournamentSeasonsFetched(Urn tournamentId,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentSeasons data,
Locale locale) |
void |
SportEventCacheImpl.purgeCacheItem(Urn id)
Purges an item from the
SportEventCache |
void |
ProfileCacheImpl.purgeCompetitorProfileCacheItem(Urn competitorId)
Purges the associated competitor cache item
void |
ProfileCacheImpl.purgePlayerProfileCacheItem(Urn playerId)
Purges the associated player profile cache item
void |
SportEventStatusCacheImpl.purgeSportEventStatus(Urn id)
Purges the sport event status associated with the provided event id
AvailableSelections |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestAvailableSelections(Urn id) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestAvailableTournamentsFor(Locale locale,
Urn sportId) |
void |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestCompetitorEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestDrawFixture(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestDrawSummary(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestEventsFor(Locale locale,
Urn tournamentId) |
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchTimelineEndpoint |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestEventTimelineEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
List<FixtureChange> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestFixtureChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId,
Locale locale) |
void |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestFixtureEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
boolean useCachedProvider,
CacheItem requester) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestLotterySchedule(Locale locale,
Urn lotteryId,
CacheItem requester) |
List<PeriodStatus> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestPeriodSummary(Urn id,
Locale locale,
List<Urn> competitorIds,
List<Integer> periods) |
void |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestPlayerProfileEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
List<ResultChange> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestResultChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId,
Locale locale) |
List<Urn> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestSeasonsFor(Locale locale,
Urn tournamentId) |
void |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestSimpleTeamEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestSportCategoriesEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
void |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestSummaryEndpoint(Locale locale,
Urn id,
CacheItem requester) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PlayerProfileCi |
ProfileCacheImpl.getPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds)
Returns a
PlayerProfileCi associated with the provided Urn |
List<PeriodStatus> |
DataRouterManagerImpl.requestPeriodSummary(Urn id,
Locale locale,
List<Urn> competitorIds,
List<Integer> periods) |
Constructor and Description |
ProfileCacheImpl(CacheItemFactory cacheItemFactory,
DataRouterManager dataRouterManager,<Urn,PlayerProfileCi> playerCache,<Urn,CompetitorCi> competitorCache,<Urn,CompetitorCi> simpleTeamCache) |
ProfileCacheImpl(CacheItemFactory cacheItemFactory,
DataRouterManager dataRouterManager,<Urn,PlayerProfileCi> playerCache,<Urn,CompetitorCi> competitorCache,<Urn,CompetitorCi> simpleTeamCache) |
ProfileCacheImpl(CacheItemFactory cacheItemFactory,
DataRouterManager dataRouterManager,<Urn,PlayerProfileCi> playerCache,<Urn,CompetitorCi> competitorCache,<Urn,CompetitorCi> simpleTeamCache) |
SportsDataCacheImpl(<Urn,SportCi> sportsCache,<Urn,CategoryCi> categoriesCache,
CacheItemFactory cacheItemFactory,
DataRouterManager dataRouterManager) |
SportsDataCacheImpl(<Urn,SportCi> sportsCache,<Urn,CategoryCi> categoriesCache,
CacheItemFactory cacheItemFactory,
DataRouterManager dataRouterManager) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Returns the associated category id
Urn |
Returns the
Urn representing id of the related entity |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn representing id of the related entity |
Urn |
Returns the associated lottery id
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
SportEventStatusCiImpl.getWinnerId() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<Urn,Date> |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.getFixtureTimestampCache() |<Urn,Date> |
CacheItemFactory.getFixtureTimestampCache() |
List<Urn> |
Returns the lottery draws schedule
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CategoryCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildCategoryCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiCategory category,
List<Urn> tournamentIds,
Urn associatedSportCiId,
Locale dataLocale) |
CategoryCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildCategoryCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiCategory category,
List<Urn> tournaments,
Urn associatedSportCiId,
Locale dataLocale) |
CompetitorCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildCompetitorProfileCi(Urn id) |
CompetitorCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildCompetitorProfileCi(Urn id) |
CompetitorCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildCompetitorProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiCompetitorProfileEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale) |
CompetitorCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildCompetitorProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiCompetitorProfileEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale) |
CompetitorCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildCompetitorProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiPlayerCompetitor data,
Locale dataLocale) |
CompetitorCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildCompetitorProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiPlayerCompetitor data,
Locale dataLocale) |
CompetitorCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildCompetitorProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSimpleTeamProfileEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale) |
CompetitorCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildCompetitorProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSimpleTeamProfileEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale) |
CompetitorCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildCompetitorProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTeam data,
Locale dataLocale) |
CompetitorCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildCompetitorProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTeam data,
Locale dataLocale) |
DrawCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildDrawCi(Urn id) |
DrawCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildDrawCi(Urn id) |
DrawCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildDrawCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
DrawCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildDrawCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
DrawCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildDrawCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawFixture data,
Locale dataLocale) |
DrawCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildDrawCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawFixture data,
Locale dataLocale) |
DrawCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildDrawCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawSummary data,
Locale dataLocale) |
DrawCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildDrawCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiDrawSummary data,
Locale dataLocale) |
LotteryCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildLotteryCi(Urn id) |
LotteryCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildLotteryCi(Urn id) |
LotteryCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildLotteryCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiLottery data,
Locale dataLocale) |
LotteryCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildLotteryCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiLottery data,
Locale dataLocale) |
MatchCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildMatchCi(Urn id) |
MatchCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildMatchCi(Urn id) |
MatchCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildMatchCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiFixture data,
Locale dataLocale) |
MatchCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildMatchCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiFixture data,
Locale dataLocale) |
MatchCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildMatchCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchSummaryEndpoint data,
Locale dataLocale) |
MatchCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildMatchCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiMatchSummaryEndpoint endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
MatchCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildMatchCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEventChildren.SapiSportEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
MatchCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildMatchCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEventChildren.SapiSportEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
MatchCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildMatchCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
MatchCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildMatchCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
PlayerProfileCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildPlayerProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiPlayerCompetitor data,
Locale dataLocale,
Urn competitorId) |
PlayerProfileCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildPlayerProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiPlayerCompetitor data,
Locale dataLocale,
Urn competitorId) |
PlayerProfileCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildPlayerProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiPlayerExtended data,
Locale dataLocale,
Urn competitorId) |
PlayerProfileCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildPlayerProfileCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiPlayerExtended data,
Locale dataLocale,
Urn competitorId) |
PlayerProfileCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildPlayerProfileCi(Urn id,
Urn competitorId) |
PlayerProfileCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildPlayerProfileCi(Urn id,
Urn competitorId) |
SportCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildSportCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSport sport,
List<Urn> categories,
Locale dataLocale) |
SportCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildSportCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSport sport,
List<Urn> categories,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiFixture endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiFixture data,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiParentStage endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiParentStage data,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEventChildren.SapiSportEvent endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEventChildren.SapiSportEvent endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEvent endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSportEvent data,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiStageSummaryEndpoint endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiStageSummaryEndpoint endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentInfoEndpoint endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentInfoEndpoint endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournament endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
StageCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildStageCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournament endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
TournamentCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildTournamentCi(Urn id) |
TournamentCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildTournamentCi(Urn id) |
TournamentCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildTournamentCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentExtended endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
TournamentCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildTournamentCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentExtended endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
TournamentCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildTournamentCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentInfoEndpoint endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
TournamentCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildTournamentCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournamentInfoEndpoint endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
TournamentCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildTournamentCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournament endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
TournamentCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildTournamentCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTournament endpointData,
Locale dataLocale) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CategoryCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildCategoryCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiCategory category,
List<Urn> tournamentIds,
Urn associatedSportCiId,
Locale dataLocale) |
CategoryCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildCategoryCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiCategory category,
List<Urn> tournaments,
Urn associatedSportCiId,
Locale dataLocale) |
SportCi |
CacheItemFactoryImpl.buildSportCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSport sport,
List<Urn> categories,
Locale dataLocale) |
SportCi |
CacheItemFactory.buildSportCi(Urn id,
com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiSport sport,
List<Urn> categories,
Locale dataLocale) |
Constructor and Description |
CacheItemFactoryImpl(DataRouterManager dataRouterManager,
SdkInternalConfiguration configuration,<Urn,Date> fixtureTimestampCache) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<Urn,CategoryCi> |
InternalCachesProvider.getCategoryDataCache() |<Urn,CompetitorCi> |
InternalCachesProvider.getCompetitorCache() |<Urn,Date> |
InternalCachesProvider.getFixtureTimestampCache() |<Urn,PlayerProfileCi> |
InternalCachesProvider.getPlayerProfileCache() |<Urn,CompetitorCi> |
InternalCachesProvider.getSimpleTeamCompetitorCache() |<Urn,SportCi> |
InternalCachesProvider.getSportDataCache() |<Urn,SportEventCi> |
InternalCachesProvider.getSportEventCache() |
protected<Urn,CategoryCi> |
CachingModule.provideCategoryCiCache() |
protected<Urn,Date> |
CachingModule.provideFixtureTimestampCache() |
protected<Urn,SportCi> |
CachingModule.provideSportDataCiCache() |
protected<Urn,SportEventCi> |
CachingModule.provideSportEventCiCache() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Returns the manager identifier
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ReplayManager.addSportEventToReplay(Urn id) |
boolean |
ReplayManager.addSportEventToReplay(Urn id,
Integer startTime) |
boolean |
BookingManagerImpl.bookLiveOddsEvent(Urn eventId)
Performs a request on the API which books the event associated with the provided
Urn identifier |
Selection | eventId,
int marketId,
String specifiers,
String outcomeId) |
Selection | eventId,
int marketId,
String specifiers,
String outcomeId,
Double odds) |
CategorySummary |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildCategory(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds the associated category summary
CategorySummary |
SportEntityFactory.buildCategory(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds the associated category summary
Competitor |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildCompetitor(Urn id,
String qualifier,
Integer division,
Boolean isVirtual,
SportEventCi parentSportEventCi,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds a
Competitor instance associated with the provided Urn |
Competitor |
SportEntityFactory.buildCompetitor(Urn id,
String qualifier,
Integer division,
Boolean isVirtual,
SportEventCi parentSportEventCi,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds a
Competitor instance associated with the provided Urn |
CompetitorPlayer |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildCompetitorPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds,
Map<Urn,Integer> associatedJerseyNumbers) |
CompetitorPlayer |
SportEntityFactory.buildCompetitorPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds,
Map<Urn,Integer> associatedJerseyNumbers) |
PlayerProfile |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds) |
PlayerProfile |
SportEntityFactory.buildPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds) |
RecoveryInitiated |
FeedMessageFactory.buildRecoveryInitiated(int producerId,
long requestId,
Long after,
Urn eventId,
String message,
long timestamp) |
Sport |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildSport(Urn sportId,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds a
Sport instance with the provided data |
Sport |
SportEntityFactory.buildSport(Urn sportId,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds a
Sport instance with the provided data |
SportEvent |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildSportEvent(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
boolean buildBasicEventImpl)
Builds the
Competition derived class based on the provided data |
SportEvent |
SportEntityFactory.buildSportEvent(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
boolean buildBasicEventImpl)
Builds the
Competition derived class based on the provided data |
SportEvent |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildSportEvent(Urn id,
Urn sportId,
List<Locale> locales,
boolean buildBasicEventImpl)
Builds the
SportEvent derived class based on the provided data |
SportEvent |
SportEntityFactory.buildSportEvent(Urn id,
Urn sportId,
List<Locale> locales,
boolean buildBasicEventImpl)
Builds the
SportEvent derived class based on the provided data |
<T extends CompetitionStatus> |
SportEventStatusFactoryImpl.buildSportEventStatus(Urn eventId,
Class<T> targetClass,
boolean makeApiCall)
Builds the requested sport event status type
<T extends CompetitionStatus> |
SportEventStatusFactory.buildSportEventStatus(Urn eventId,
Class<T> targetClass,
boolean makeApiCall)
Builds the requested sport event status type
SportSummary |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildSportForCategory(Urn categoryId,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds the associated category sport summary
SportSummary |
SportEntityFactory.buildSportForCategory(Urn categoryId,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds the associated category sport summary
AvailableSelections |
CustomBetManagerImpl.getAvailableSelections(Urn eventId) |
List<SportEvent> |
SportDataProviderImpl.getAvailableTournaments(Urn sportId)
Returns all the available tournaments of a specific sport
(the returned data is translated in the default locale configured with the
UofConfigurationImpl )
(possible types: BasicTournament , Tournament , Stage ) |
List<SportEvent> |
SportDataProviderImpl.getAvailableTournaments(Urn sportId,
Locale locale)
Returns all the available tournaments for a specific sport
(the returned data is translated in the specified
Locale )
(possible types: BasicTournament , Tournament , Stage ) |
<T extends SportEvent> |
CashOutProbabilitiesManagerImpl.getCashOutProbabilities(Urn eventId)
Returns a
CashOutProbabilities instance providing the CashOut probabilities for the specified event
(the provided data is translated in the default language) |
<T extends SportEvent> |
CashOutProbabilitiesManagerImpl.getCashOutProbabilities(Urn eventId,
int marketId,
Map<String,String> specifiers)
Returns a
CashOutProbabilities instance providing the CashOut probabilities for the specified market on the associated event
(the provided data is translated in the default language) |
<T extends SportEvent> |
CashOutProbabilitiesManagerImpl.getCashOutProbabilities(Urn eventId,
int marketId,
Map<String,String> specifiers,
Locale locale)
Returns a
CashOutProbabilities instance providing the CashOut probabilities for the specified market on the associated event |
<T extends SportEvent> |
CashOutProbabilitiesManagerImpl.getCashOutProbabilities(Urn eventId,
Locale locale)
Returns a
CashOutProbabilities instance providing the CashOut probabilities for the specified event |
Competition |
SportDataProviderImpl.getCompetition(Urn id)
Returns a
Competition representing the specified competition
(the returned data is translated in the configured Locale s using the UofConfigurationImpl ) |
Competition |
SportDataProviderImpl.getCompetition(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns a
Competition representing the specified competition
(the returned data is translated in the specified Locale ) |
Competitor |
SportDataProviderImpl.getCompetitor(Urn id)
Returns a
Competitor representing the specified competitor
(the returned data is translated in the configured Locale s using the UofConfigurationImpl ) |
Competitor |
SportDataProviderImpl.getCompetitor(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns a
Competitor representing the specified competitor
(the returned data is translated in the specified Locale ) |
List<FixtureChange> |
SportDataProviderImpl.getFixtureChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId)
Returns the list of all fixtures that have changed in the last 24 hours
List<FixtureChange> |
SportDataProviderImpl.getFixtureChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId,
Locale locale)
Returns the list of all fixtures that have changed in the last 24 hours
LongTermEvent |
SportDataProviderImpl.getLongTermEvent(Urn id)
Returns the specified long term event
(the returned data is translated in the configured
Locale s using the UofConfigurationImpl ) |
LongTermEvent |
SportDataProviderImpl.getLongTermEvent(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns the specified long term event
(the returned data is translated in the specified
Locale ) |
Optional<Class> |
MappingTypeProviderImpl.getMappingType(Urn identifier)
Identifies the proper mapping type associated with the
Optional<Class> |
MappingTypeProvider.getMappingType(Urn identifier)
Identifies the proper mapping type associated with the
List<PeriodStatus> |
SportDataProviderImpl.getPeriodStatuses(Urn id,
Locale locale,
List<Urn> competitorIds,
List<Integer> periods)
Returns the list of
PeriodStatus from the sport event period summary endpoint |
PlayerProfile |
SportDataProviderImpl.getPlayerProfile(Urn id)
Returns a
PlayerProfile representing the specified competitor
(the returned data is translated in the configured Locale s using the UofConfigurationImpl ) |
PlayerProfile |
SportDataProviderImpl.getPlayerProfile(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns a
PlayerProfile representing the specified competitor
(the returned data is translated in the specified Locale ) |
List<ResultChange> |
SportDataProviderImpl.getResultChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId)
Returns the list of all fixtures that have changed in the last 24 hours
List<ResultChange> |
SportDataProviderImpl.getResultChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId,
Locale locale)
Returns the list of all fixtures that have changed in the last 24 hours
SportEvent |
SportDataProviderImpl.getSportEvent(Urn id)
Returns the specified sport event
(the returned data is translated in the configured
Locale s using the UofConfigurationImpl ) |
SportEvent |
SportDataProviderImpl.getSportEvent(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns the specified sport event
(the returned data is translated in the specified
Locale ) |
SportEvent |
SportDataProviderImpl.getSportEventForEventChange(Urn id) |
List<TimelineEvent> |
SportDataProviderImpl.getTimelineEvents(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns the list of
TimelineEvent for the sport event |
void |
UofSessionImpl.onMessageDeserializationFailed(byte[] rawMessage,
Urn eventId)
Dispatches the "unparsable message received event"
void |
MessageConsumer.onMessageDeserializationFailed(byte[] rawMessage,
Urn eventId)
Dispatches the "unparsable message received event"
void |
SportDataProviderImpl.purgeCompetitorProfileCacheData(Urn competitorId)
Purges the associated competitor cache item
void |
SportDataProviderImpl.purgePlayerProfileCacheData(Urn playerId)
Purges the associated player profile cache item
void |
SportDataProviderImpl.purgeSportEventCacheData(Urn eventId)
Purges the associated sport event cache item
void |
SportDataProviderImpl.purgeSportEventCacheData(Urn eventId,
boolean includeStatusPurge)
Purges the associated sport event cache item
boolean |
ReplayManager.removeSportEventFromReplay(Urn id) |
CustomBetSelectionBuilder |
CustomBetSelectionBuilderImpl.setEventId(Urn eventId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CompetitorPlayer |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildCompetitorPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds,
Map<Urn,Integer> associatedJerseyNumbers) |
CompetitorPlayer |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildCompetitorPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds,
Map<Urn,Integer> associatedJerseyNumbers) |
CompetitorPlayer |
SportEntityFactory.buildCompetitorPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds,
Map<Urn,Integer> associatedJerseyNumbers) |
CompetitorPlayer |
SportEntityFactory.buildCompetitorPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds,
Map<Urn,Integer> associatedJerseyNumbers) |
PlayerProfile |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds) |
PlayerProfile |
SportEntityFactory.buildPlayerProfile(Urn id,
List<Locale> locales,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds) |
List<Competition> |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildSportEvents(List<Urn> ids,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds a list of
Competition derived classes based on the provided data |
List<Competition> |
SportEntityFactory.buildSportEvents(List<Urn> ids,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds a list of
Competition derived classes based on the provided data |
List<Competitor> |
SportEntityFactoryImpl.buildStreamCompetitors(List<Urn> competitorIds,
SportEventCi parentSportEventCi,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds a
List of Competitor instances
Notice: a StreamWrapperException is thrown if any problems are encountered |
List<Competitor> |
SportEntityFactory.buildStreamCompetitors(List<Urn> competitorIds,
SportEventCi parentSportEventCi,
List<Locale> locales)
Builds a
List of Competitor instances
Notice: a StreamWrapperException is thrown if any problems are encountered |
static Map<Integer,List<String>> |
OddsFeedRoutingKeyBuilder.generateKeys(Map<Integer,Map.Entry<MessageInterest,Set<Urn>>> sessionsData,
SdkInternalConfiguration oddsFeedConfiguration)
Builds a valid list of routing keys for the provided sessions
k -> session identifier
v -> a
List of routing keys for the associated session |
List<PeriodStatus> |
SportDataProviderImpl.getPeriodStatuses(Urn id,
Locale locale,
List<Urn> competitorIds,
List<Integer> periods)
Returns the list of
PeriodStatus from the sport event period summary endpoint |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Gets the event id
Urn |
AvailableSelectionsImpl.getEventId() |
Urn |
AvailableSelectionsFilterImpl.getEventId() |
Constructor and Description |
SelectionImpl(Urn eventId,
int marketId,
String outcomeId,
String specifiers) |
SelectionImpl(Urn eventId,
int marketId,
String outcomeId,
String specifiers,
Double odds) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
TeamStatisticsDto.getTeamId() |
Urn |
Returns the sport event winner identifier
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Returns the id of the group associated with the current round
Urn |
Urn |
Returns the unique
Urn identifier representing the current Competitor instance |
Urn |
Returns an
Urn uniquely identifying the current CategorySummary instance |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn uniquely identifying the current season |
Urn |
CourseImpl.getId() |
Urn |
Returns the competitor id
Urn |
Returns an
Urn uniquely identifying the sport represented by the current instance |
Urn |
Returns a
Urn uniquely identifying the current SeasonInfo instance |
Urn |
Returns an
Urn uniquely identifying the sport event |
Urn |
Returns the unique identifier of the current
Referee instance |
Urn |
Returns the unique
Urn identifier representing the current PlayerProfile instance |
Urn |
Urn |
Returns the unique identifier of the current
Referee instance |
Urn |
Returns an id of the parent stage associated with the current instance
Urn |
Returns the race driver id
Urn |
Returns the race team id
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn identifier of the replacement event |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn specifying the replacement sport event for the current instance |
Urn |
Returns the unique identifier of the season
Urn |
Returns the
Urn instance specifying the sport event |
Urn |
Returns the
Urn instance specifying the sport event |
Urn |
Returns the associated sport identifier
(This method its overridden because the superclass SportEvent does not contain the sportId in all cases)
Urn |
Returns the associated sport identifier
(This method its overridden because the superclass SportEvent does not contain the sportId in all cases)
Urn |
Returns the associated sport identifier
(This method its overridden because the superclass SportEvent does not contain the sportId in all cases)
Urn |
Returns the unique sport identifier to which this event is associated
Urn |
Returns the associated sport identifier
(This method its overridden because the superclass SportEvent does not contain the sportId in all cases)
Urn |
Returns the associated sport identifier
(This method its overridden because the superclass SportEvent does not contain the sportId in all cases)
Urn |
Returns the associated sport identifier
(This method its overridden because the superclass SportEvent does not contain the sportId in all cases)
Urn |
Returns the associated tournament identifier
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Urn> |
Returns the list specifying the additional parent ids associated with the current instance
Constructor and Description |
AssistImpl(Urn id,
Map<Locale,String> names,
String type)
Initializes a new instance of the
AssistImpl class |
BasicTournamentImpl(Urn id,
Urn sportId,
List<Locale> locales,
SportEventCache sportEventCache,
SportEntityFactory sportEntityFactory,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new
BasicTournamentImpl instance |
CategoryImpl(Urn id,
Map<Locale,String> names,
List<SportEvent> tournaments,
String countryCode)
Initializes a new instance of the
CategoryImpl |
CategorySummaryImpl(Urn id,
Map<Locale,String> names,
String countryCode)
Initializes a new instance of the
CategorySummaryImpl |
CompetitorImpl(Urn competitorId,
ProfileCache profileCache,
Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> eventCompetitorsReferences,
Boolean isVirtual,
List<Locale> locales,
SportEntityFactory sportEntityFactory,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new instance of the
CompetitorImpl class |
CompetitorImpl(Urn competitorId,
ProfileCache profileCache,
SportEventCi parentSportEventCi,
List<Locale> locales,
SportEntityFactory sportEntityFactory,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy,
Boolean isVirtual)
Initializes a new instance of the
CompetitorImpl class |
CompetitorPlayerImpl(Urn playerId,
Integer jerseyNumber,
ProfileCache profileCache,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds,
List<Locale> locales,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new instance of
PlayerProfileImpl |
DrawImpl(Urn id,
Urn sportId,
List<Locale> locales,
SportEventCache sportEventCache,
SportEntityFactory sportEntityFactory,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy) |
LotteryImpl(Urn id,
Urn sportId,
List<Locale> locales,
SportEventCache sportEventCache,
SportEntityFactory sportEntityFactory,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy) |
MatchImpl(Urn id,
Urn sportId,
SportEventCache sportEventCache,
SportEventStatusFactory statusFactory,
SportEntityFactory sportEntityFactory,
List<Locale> locales,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new instance of the
MatchImpl |
PlayerProfileImpl(Urn playerId,
ProfileCache profileCache,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds,
List<Locale> locales,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new instance of
PlayerProfileImpl |
ReplaySportEventImpl(Urn id,
Integer position,
Integer startTime)
Creates new instance of
ReplaySportEventImpl |
SeasonImpl(Urn id,
Urn sportId,
List<Locale> locales,
SportEventCache sportEventCache,
SportEntityFactory sportEntityFactory,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new
SeasonImpl instance |
SportEventGenericImpl(Urn id,
Urn sportId)
Initializes a new instance of
SportEventGenericImpl |
SportImpl(Urn id,
Map<Locale,String> names,
List<Category> categories)
Initializes a new instance of
SportImpl |
StageImpl(Urn id,
Urn sportId,
SportEventCache sportEventCache,
SportEventStatusFactory statusFactory,
SportEntityFactory sportEntityFactory,
List<Locale> locales,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new instance of the
StageImpl |
TeamCompetitorImpl(Urn competitorId,
ProfileCache profileCache,
String qualifier,
Integer division,
Boolean isVirtual,
SportEventCi parentSportEventCi,
List<Locale> locales,
SportEntityFactory sportEntityFactory,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new instance of the
TeamCompetitorImpl class |
TournamentImpl(Urn id,
Urn sportId,
List<Locale> locales,
SportEventCache sportEventCache,
SportEntityFactory sportEntityFactory,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new
TournamentImpl instance |
Constructor and Description |
CompetitorImpl(Urn competitorId,
ProfileCache profileCache,
Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> eventCompetitorsReferences,
Boolean isVirtual,
List<Locale> locales,
SportEntityFactory sportEntityFactory,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new instance of the
CompetitorImpl class |
CompetitorPlayerImpl(Urn playerId,
Integer jerseyNumber,
ProfileCache profileCache,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds,
List<Locale> locales,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new instance of
PlayerProfileImpl |
PlayerProfileImpl(Urn playerId,
ProfileCache profileCache,
List<Urn> possibleAssociatedCompetitorIds,
List<Locale> locales,
ExceptionHandlingStrategy exceptionHandlingStrategy)
Initializes a new instance of
PlayerProfileImpl |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Returns the sport event winner identifier
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
MarketMappingDataImpl.getSportId() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
MarketMappingDataImpl.canMap(int producerId,
Urn sportId,
Map<String,String> specifiers) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RecoveryInitiated |
FeedMessageFactoryImpl.buildRecoveryInitiated(int producerId,
long requestId,
Long after,
Urn eventId,
String message,
long timestamp) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Long |
RecoveryManagerImpl.initiateEventOddsMessagesRecovery(Producer producer,
Urn eventId) |
Long |
RecoveryManagerImpl.initiateEventStatefulMessagesRecovery(Producer producer,
Urn eventId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
BookingManager.bookLiveOddsEvent(Urn eventId)
Performs a request on the API which books the event associated with the provided
Urn identifier |
Selection | eventId,
int marketId,
String specifiers,
String outcomeId)
Builds and returns a
Selection instance |
Selection | eventId,
int marketId,
String specifiers,
String outcomeId,
Double odds)
Builds and returns a
Selection instance |
AvailableSelections |
CustomBetManager.getAvailableSelections(Urn eventId)
Returns an
AvailableSelections instance providing the available selections
for the event associated with the provided Urn identifier |
List<SportEvent> |
SportDataProvider.getAvailableTournaments(Urn sportId)
Returns all the available tournaments for a specific sport
(the returned data is translated in the default locale configured with the
UofConfigurationImpl )
(possible types: BasicTournament , Tournament , Stage ) |
List<SportEvent> |
SportDataProvider.getAvailableTournaments(Urn sportId,
Locale locale)
Returns all the available tournaments for a specific sport
(the returned data is translated in the specified
Locale )
(possible types: BasicTournament , Tournament , Stage ) |
<T extends SportEvent> |
CashOutProbabilitiesManager.getCashOutProbabilities(Urn eventId)
Returns a
CashOutProbabilities instance providing the cashout probabilities for the specified event
(the provided data is translated in the default language) |
<T extends SportEvent> |
CashOutProbabilitiesManager.getCashOutProbabilities(Urn eventId,
int marketId,
Map<String,String> specifiers)
Returns a
CashOutProbabilities instance providing the cashout probabilities for the specified market on the associated event
(the provided data is translated in the default language) |
<T extends SportEvent> |
CashOutProbabilitiesManager.getCashOutProbabilities(Urn eventId,
int marketId,
Map<String,String> specifiers,
Locale locale)
Returns a
CashOutProbabilities instance providing the cashout probabilities for the specified market on the associated event |
<T extends SportEvent> |
CashOutProbabilitiesManager.getCashOutProbabilities(Urn eventId,
Locale locale)
Returns a
CashOutProbabilities instance providing the cashout probabilities for the specified event |
Competition |
SportDataProvider.getCompetition(Urn id)
Returns a
Competition representing the specified competition
(the returned data is translated in the configured Locale s using the UofConfigurationImpl ) |
Competition |
SportDataProvider.getCompetition(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns a
Competition representing the specified competition
(the returned data is translated in the specified Locale ) |
Competitor |
SportDataProvider.getCompetitor(Urn id)
Returns a
Competitor representing the specified competitor
(the returned data is translated in the configured Locale s using the UofConfigurationImpl ) |
Competitor |
SportDataProvider.getCompetitor(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns a
Competitor representing the specified competitor
(the returned data is translated in the specified Locale ) |
List<FixtureChange> |
SportDataProvider.getFixtureChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId)
Returns the list of all fixtures that have changed in the last 24 hours
List<FixtureChange> |
SportDataProvider.getFixtureChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId,
Locale locale)
Returns the list of all fixtures that have changed in the last 24 hours
LongTermEvent |
SportDataProvider.getLongTermEvent(Urn id)
Returns the specified long term event
(the returned data is translated in the configured
Locale s using the UofConfigurationImpl ) |
LongTermEvent |
SportDataProvider.getLongTermEvent(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns the specified long term event
(the returned data is translated in the specified
Locale ) |
List<PeriodStatus> |
SportDataProvider.getPeriodStatuses(Urn id,
Locale locale,
List<Urn> competitorIds,
List<Integer> periods)
Returns the list of
PeriodStatus from the sport event period summary endpoint |
PlayerProfile |
SportDataProvider.getPlayerProfile(Urn id)
Returns a
PlayerProfile representing the specified competitor
(the returned data is translated in the configured Locale s using the UofConfigurationImpl ) |
PlayerProfile |
SportDataProvider.getPlayerProfile(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns a
PlayerProfile representing the specified competitor
(the returned data is translated in the specified Locale ) |
List<ResultChange> |
SportDataProvider.getResultChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId)
Returns the list of all fixtures that have changed in the last 24 hours
List<ResultChange> |
SportDataProvider.getResultChanges(Date after,
Urn sportId,
Locale locale)
Returns the list of all fixtures that have changed in the last 24 hours
SportEvent |
SportDataProvider.getSportEvent(Urn id)
Returns the specified sport event
(the returned data is translated in the configured
Locale s using the UofConfigurationImpl ) |
SportEvent |
SportDataProvider.getSportEvent(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns the specified sport event
(the returned data is translated in the specified
Locale ) |
List<TimelineEvent> |
SportDataProvider.getTimelineEvents(Urn id,
Locale locale)
Returns the list of
TimelineEvent for the sport event |
Long |
EventRecoveryRequestIssuer.initiateEventOddsMessagesRecovery(Producer producer,
Urn eventId)
Initiates a odds recovery procedure for the event associated with the provided
Urn identifier on the requested Producer
(The odds recovery procedure re-sends all odds for all markets for a sport event)
Note: The event must be either EventStatus.NotStarted or EventStatus.Live |
Long |
EventRecoveryRequestIssuer.initiateEventStatefulMessagesRecovery(Producer producer,
Urn eventId)
Initiates a stateful recovery procedure for the event associated with the provided
Urn identifier on the requested Producer
(The stateful message recovery procedure re-sends all stateful-messages (BetSettlement, RollbackBetSettlement, BetCancel, UndoBetCancel) for a sport event)
Note: The event can be up to 30 days in the past |
void |
SportDataProvider.purgeCompetitorProfileCacheData(Urn competitorId)
Purges the associated competitor cache item
void |
SportDataProvider.purgePlayerProfileCacheData(Urn playerId)
Purges the associated player profile cache item
void |
SportDataProvider.purgeSportEventCacheData(Urn eventId)
Purges the associated sport event cache item
void |
SportDataProvider.purgeSportEventCacheData(Urn eventId,
boolean includeStatusPurge)
Purges the associated sport event cache item
CustomBetSelectionBuilder |
CustomBetSelectionBuilder.setEventId(Urn eventId)
Sets event id to the provided
Urn |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<PeriodStatus> |
SportDataProvider.getPeriodStatuses(Urn id,
Locale locale,
List<Urn> competitorIds,
List<Integer> periods)
Returns the list of
PeriodStatus from the sport event period summary endpoint |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
Gets the associated event identifier
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Urn |
ExportableCourseCi.getId() |
Constructor and Description |
ExportableCourseCi(Urn id,
Map<Locale,String> name,
List<ExportableHoleCi> holes) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Urn |
Urn.parse(String urnString)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> |
SdkHelper.parseCompetitorsReferences(List<com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTeam> competitors,
Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> currentCompetitorsReferences)
Get competitor reference from a list of competitors
Note: reference must be checked and updated, since it is not sure that references on summary are the same as on fixture
static Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> |
SdkHelper.parseTeamCompetitorsReferences(List<com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTeamCompetitor> competitors,
Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> currentCompetitorsReferences)
Get competitor reference from a list of competitors
Note: reference must be checked and updated, since it is not sure that references on summary are the same as on fixture
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> |
SdkHelper.parseCompetitorsReferences(List<com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTeam> competitors,
Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> currentCompetitorsReferences)
Get competitor reference from a list of competitors
Note: reference must be checked and updated, since it is not sure that references on summary are the same as on fixture
static Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> |
SdkHelper.parseTeamCompetitorsReferences(List<com.sportradar.uf.sportsapi.datamodel.SapiTeamCompetitor> competitors,
Map<Urn,ReferenceIdCi> currentCompetitorsReferences)
Get competitor reference from a list of competitors
Note: reference must be checked and updated, since it is not sure that references on summary are the same as on fixture
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